So you know how when you are really behind on doing something- you keep telling yourself- "ok, TODAY i am going to do it!
Then time goes by, then more time, then MORE> and before you know it- you are so far behind that its almost embarrassing tp finally go back and just DO it? Well thats me! and my poor old neglected little blog.
To be totally honest, I truly didn't even notice I hadn't blogged in a while, until fall came and it was time to post my online calendar- to which the LAST post I had on there was the calendar from LAST YEAR! Totally embarrassing I know. So, please forgive me! As I'm sure you were all waiting on the edge of your seats, just dying for some beautiful eye candy of the visual arts kind.
So, rather than start back at the beginning of the year, I thought i would post some shots from a wedding I shot less than two weeks ago! I just delivered her final images today.
Here are some of her details!
Venue: The
Tustin Ranch Golf Club
DJ- DJ Soto
Videographer- Jessica Robles-
Robles Video
Jen Alfaro
Danielle Evans
Second Shooter- Ashleigh Long, or -
her FB page!
Ok- now on to the images!
Joie De Vivre!!!